The International Comparative Rural Policy Studies consortium invited rural development practitioners, researchers, and policy analysts to share comparative rural policy findings at the 2021 ICRPS Twitter Conference! The conference took place from June 15-18, 2021.
New to a Twitter Conference?
A Twitter conference is an opportunity to share knowledge through social media. Similar to a traditional conference, organizers prepared a schedule of presentations. Each presenter received a date and time to upload up to five tweets (280 characters each). Each tweet included the conference hashtag #ICRPS2021
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference
Over four days, 26 presentations were delivered by 29 researchers. Conference contributors shared recent research in topics critical to the future of rural places, such as climate change, innovation, agriculture, access to financial capital, Indigenous development, the digital divide, diversity and inclusion. This proceedings provides a snapshot of each contribution, including a brief abstract of the presentation and screen shots of each Twitter message posted.
ICRPS 2021 Twitter Conference Proceedings
Don’t forget you can look at the presentations and engage with presenters at any time by following #ICRPS2021 on Twitter!